We’ve got a birds-eye view of our outdoor learning garden below and staked out Garden Markers and Seed Starters for you to uncover.
You might ask… “What is a Seed Starter?”
A Seed Starter gives information about what’s going on in our garden! It can be anything from pollinators to pests, vegetables to discovering new vegetation. As our garden grows this summer, we will continue to update our seed starters! Click on the number below the map to access the seed starter and discover what’s growing!

Are you ever curious about exploring the outdoor world but don’t know where to start? Are you looking for a way to integrate your kid’s love for technology with the outdoors? Or are you a teacher looking for outdoor resources for your virtual classroom. Welcome to Kidzu Virtual Garden Toolkits! We’ve created learning toolkits for kids, caregivers, and educators to find amazing ways to discover nature while using technology.

Check out these How does your Garden Grow videos of Allie exploring Kidzu’s Outdoor Learning Garden and try out some of the Jr. Gardener Activities below.

Watch Allie as she inspects Kidzu’s Outdoor Learning Garden for pests, predators, and beyond!

Learn all about honeybees from Kidzu’s Allie as she shows you around the Garden and provides updates about all the new things at Kidzu!

Watch Allie explain everything about pressing flowers and try it yourself at home!

Learn how to save flower seeds to plant in the spring.

Join Allie to learn how to bring the outdoors inside this winter season! Make a gift for the birds, transform natural materials into home decorations, and light up your holiday with radiant fairy lanterns.

How Does YOUR Garden Grow? Come EXPLORE our virtual garden!
Get your hands dirty while you play, explore and discover what is outside your door. Join Kidzu@Home from your garden patch, big or small (or none at all) by trying out a Junior Gardeners activity. Inspired by the seasonal Thursday morning program in Kidzu’s Front Yard, the @Home Junior Gardeners uses household items and some of Kidzu’s most popular themes to give you ideas to explore outside!
If you “dig up” a question, send it along with photos or videos, if applicable, and our Kidzu Gardener Isabel will see if she can “shoot” you an answer. Check back here regularly for new Seed Starters, activity suggestions, and answers to frequently asked questions! Inquire with Isabel at learninggardenkidzu@gmail.com

Dear Isabel,
A couple of years ago we planted a small lemon balm plant in a pot in our back yard. To our delight and surprise, it comes back year after year! Last Summer it jumped the pot and this year it has gotten really big really fast. Can I cut it back without hurting it? If I cut it, is there anything I can do with the cuttings? They smell wonderful! And, any suggestions for keeping it under control this Summer?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks,
Dear CP,
Thanks for sending in your questions CP! You can absolutely cut back a lemon balm plant without hurting it! I’d recommend cutting it back by up to 1/3. Doing this regularly will help it stay nice and bushy, and hopefully help keep it from spreading too many seeds. In our garden, we try to trim our mint varieties on a cool day just before it rains or we plan on watering them. You might want to consider moving the pot onto a porch if possible. Lemon balm isn’t too picky about how much sun it gets, and this will keep it away from soil that it could spread to. As for the cuttings, you can use them to make some delicious sun tea! If you find that the flavor isn’t as minty as you’d like you can use a combination of your fresh lemon balm and some peppermint tea bags. If you take pictures of your project you can share them with us either by emailing them to learninggardenkidzu@gmail.com or submitting them to our junior gardeners photo album!
Here are some links if you are interested in learning more about how to care for lemon balm:
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